My mother-in-law, (who's visiting us over the Holidays), was very disturbed by this card. Kept asking me if the guy on the front was related to me. "Why else would she send that card with that strange, disgusting man on it?"
Don't you just love being around loved ones this time of year? Come on...sing with me...
We are family! I got all my mothers with me...
Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Awww, lol! I think it's cute. I love your mom more and more the more I read your posts! Lol.
you know what, as crazy as family is... that just wat they are... family.
I wouldnt trade mine for ANYTHING....
well... maybe large sums of ca$h.
(i kid, i kid.... how much we talking?)
Hey Adam... sorry to miss so many Mom posts... I've been on a break of sorts...
my B'day was yesterday... we must be kindred spirits... looks like a card my mom would have sent...
Christmas Blessings. Dixie
Happy Birthday, Dixie!
check out my last post, i am giving you a blog award!
You rock, Nathanael!
Thanks, is your momma really in the slammer?
Most say that she got off easy.
3 years hard labor. The charge? Excessive letter writing. You know it!
Happy belated birthday... I'm sure there is something in the archives about birthday remembrance... in fact I seem to remember a letter in which you were reminded about upcoming b-days.
thanks for sharing!
Hahahahaha... aw, there are no words. :)
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